Friday, January 3, 2014

A more energy efficient year

In this New Year that is just starting out our biggest challenge is to be more energy efficient. Even though we have all the technology available, we are reluctant to take the next step. We have the opportunity to improve the old with the new. The great majority of the buildings are old ones. According to research new construction only accounts to 1% of existing buildings. It is just not energy efficient to demolish them and build new ones. The more efficient solution is retrofitting them. To use what we can from the old and furnish with the new. It seems a daunting task, but at the end the reward is greater and it also has the fastest return on investment. The first step you need to do is to hire a company that can give you a fast assessment on the condition of what you have in your building and the retrofit solution. The second step is to discuss the solutions proposed by the company that was hired and design an action plan to implement this or these solutions. The third step is to accommodate the solution to your budget, if it is little, take baby steps. That means that if you have a 5 story building, start with the first floor and move your way up. You can use the energy savings from your first investment to do the rest of the building. But the important thing is to start. Get a move on, the time is perfect for doing new things.

So this 2014 you have a choice that can impact you and the world. Be an example of energy efficiency and start your year with the right foot.

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